What is Exploring?
Exploring is a nationally recognized career education program chartered through Learning for Life for young men and women who are 14 (and have completed the eighth grade) through 20 years old. The purpose of the NJSP Explorer Program is to provide information and experiences to young men and women who are interested in a possible law enforcement career. To accomplish this, NJSP Explorer Post #846 utilizes a hands on training approach while providing curriculum and experiences that help young people mature while establishing an awareness of the complexities of law enforcement. Regular post meetings are held throughout the state, where Explorers practice military drill, learn about law enforcement topics, develop teamwork through problem solving, and regularly participate in community service details. Membership within the program is contingent upon the Explorer adhering to the rules and regulations found within the NJSP Explorer Manual and the paramilitary organizational style approach.
Explorers Learn About:
- History of Law Enforcement/NJSP
- Law
- Police Ethics
- Controlled Dangerous Substances (CDS)
- Search of a Suspect
- MV Stops / MV Crash Diagrams
- Domestic Violence
- Gang Lecture
- K-9
- T.E.A.M.S.
- High Tech Crime
- Counter Terrorism
- Crime Scene Investigation
- Title 39 motor vehicle Law
- radio procedures
- Firearms Safety / Self Defense
- Arson / Bomb Unit
- marine unit
- polygraph unit
- urban search and rescue
- white collar crime
EXPLORER meetings are held at the following locations twice a month between the hours of 7pm – 9pm:
For more information about the New Jersey State Police Explorer Program and how to join, email: njspexplorerpost@njsp.gov

- Dates: TBD
Location: Buena Vista Headquarters,
1045 Rt. 54 Williamstown, NJ 08094

- Dates: TBD
Location: Totowa Headquarters,
250 Minisink Rd Totowa, NJ 07512

- Dates: TBD
Location: Division Headquarters,
Building 4 Classroom
Forms & Downloads
NOTE: For Boy Scouts of America (BSA) insurance coverage, all payments should be made out to “WCC/BSA,” and ONLY provided in the form of check or money order.