New Jersey State Police provides a stable foundation for troopers to gain exposure to a range of professions while pursuing a single career path!
Trooper Youth Week
This program presents simulated law enforcement programs for male and female students who have completed their junior year and are entering their senior year of High School.
Exploring is a nationally recognized career education program chartered through Learning for Life for young men and women who are 14 (and have completed the eighth grade) through 20 years old.
The Division of State Police Internship Program
is administered by the Professional Development Unit and is designed to expose college students to the different career opportunities offered by New Jersey State Police.
The NJSP offers full time and part time civilian employee opportunities ranging from Public Safety Telecommunicators (PST’s), Forensic Scientists, Investigators, Information Technology Specialists, Public Information, Photography, Automotive Mechanics, Repairers, Plumbers, Electricians, Printing Operators & Graphic Designers, and much more.
The New Jersey State Police is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. We are dedicated to promoting a diverse membership reflective of the state’s citizens and communities served by our troopers and employees. All employees and applicants are ensured equal opportunities and fair treatment to further confidence in the NJSP’s commitment to integrity and professional standards.