Applicant must have one of the following:
An applicant must have a bachelor’s degree, signifying completion of the undergraduate curriculum and graduation from an accredited college or university. To meet the bachelor degree requirement, an applicant must have completed all academic, financial, and administrative obligations to be conferred a bachelor’s degree by August 31, 2024.
An applicant must have an associate degree or 60 college credits from an accredited college or university PLUS at least 24 months of satisfactory employment and/or military experience by August 31, 2024. Work experience must equate to 104 weeks of employment, including military experience, with a minimum of 20 hours of work per week. The 104 weeks are not required to be consecutive.
An applicant must have 30 college credits from an accredited college or university PLUS at least 24 months of ACTIVE duty military service by August 31, 2024.
If an applicant does not meet any of the above minimum qualifications, they may still meet the following:
An applicant must have 80 college credits from an accredited college or university by August 31, 2024, PLUS to enter the background portion of the Selection Process, with successful completion of all other phases, an applicant must have a bachelor’s degree by August 31, 2025, signifying completion of the undergraduate curriculum and graduation from an accredited college or university.
However, if this option is chosen as the minimum qualification during the online application open enrollment process, the applicant will NOT be considered for the current selection process, but moved to the following selection process based on the date their degree will be conferred.
Applicants should be aware that the Division of State Police reserves the right to modify the Academy class schedule which may result in an Academy class graduating later than originally scheduled. In such case, some applicants may be disqualified for failing to meet the statutory age requirement.
- Must be a United States citizen at the time of application.
Driver License
- Applicants must possess a current, valid driver’s license at the time of application.
Automatic Disqualifiers
The applicant was convicted of an indictable offense or is presently under an indictment.
The applicant was convicted of any offense involving domestic violence.
The applicant was convicted of two or more offenses of driving while intoxicated as defined under N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 or was convicted of driving while intoxicated as defined under N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 within the last five years.
The applicant is currently on probation or has been on probation at any time within the last 12 months.
If the applicant pled guilty or has been found guilty of any motor vehicle moving violation five or more times within the past two years.
The applicant has been dishonorably discharged from any branch of military service or law enforcement agency.
The applicant was adjudicated by a court or found by an employer to have violated any person's civil rights.
The applicant was convicted of an offense involving or touching on previous public office, position or employment. See N.J.S.A. 2C:51-2(d).
The applicant, having been a citizen of the United States, has relinquished his or her citizenship.
The applicant is subject to a restraining order for harassing, stalking, or threatening, or a restraining order for any domestic violence related offense.
The applicant sold, manufactured or distributed any illegal controlled substance in his or her life.
The applicant engaged in the unauthorized usage of any illegal drug while employed in a position of public trust.
Division of State Police
Selection Process Unit
609-882-2000, extension 2706 or 6183
New Jersey residency is required upon graduation from the Academy.